Control all of north west mainland and north west elven crecent.Construct dark covent of sorcery in Naggarond? #badidea #betrayal.Kill nagarythe avelorn exiles of nehek clan rictus.Kill blessed dread order of loremasters clan pestilens huntsmarshals awakened.Construct three star chambers in any large settlement.Kill clan mors bloody handz pirates of saratosa followers of nagash.Control south of orcs except bretonian area including the west side of orc territory saratosa and skavenblight.Construct three crimson pyramid of sotek in any large settlement.Kill clan pestilens clan skyre awakened dreadfleet blessed dread.Kill clan mors court of lybras khemri followers of nagash.Control all south of orcs except bretonian southern area.

#Total war warhammer 2 mortal empires map 2020 update#
On October 26, Total War: Warhammer 2 is getting a free update that will stitch its campaign map together with the first game.